Women Energized: Pre- and Post-Quota of Women Directorship in The Malaysian Energy Industry

* Jannatul Ferdous, Nurul Afidah Mohamad Yusof and Zuriawati Binti Zakaria

* Jannatul Ferdous
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Kampar, Perak Malaysia.
Email: jannattushti2828@gmail.com
Nurul Afidah Mohamad Yusof
Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Finance Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Kampar, Perak Malaysia.
Email: afidahj@utar.edu.my
Zuriawati Binti Zakaria
Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business and Finance Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Kampar, Perak Malaysia.
Email: zuriawatiz@utar.edu.my


Despite the upsurging number of women in the Malaysian workforce, their presence on the corporate board level is still not up to the mark. The Malaysian government has imposed a 30% women quota in the corporate sector which is in line with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance-2017. This paper outlined the trend of women directorship in the energy sector during the pre- and post-quota implementation, along with the impacts of women directorship on firm performance in Malaysia. The trend of women directorship was examined from the perspectives of percentage of women directors, quota achievement, Shannon index, and women director’s qualification. Panel data model is used on a sample of 31 energy companies listed on Bursa Malaysia over the period 2013-2019 using random effect Generalised Least Square regression analysis to test the proposed hypothesis. Quota achievement, firm size and leverage were found to have significant impact on firm performance. The findings suggest that the imposition of 30% women quota has positively contributed to the firm performance in the Malaysian energy industry. Furthermore, this study also considers sustainable development goals to ensure gender equality by implementing quota


Keyword: Board gender diversity, Women directorship, Quota, Glass-ceiling, Energy industry, Shannon index

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