JASS provides guidance for all professionals involved in multidisciplinary fields and featuring the latest research findings for all fields of disciplines covering education, ethics, fine arts, design, organizational skills, communication, business management, human resources, accounting, law and psychology.
All empirical and conceptual manuscripts will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Double-Blind Peer Review Process
T his journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. All submitted papers are double blind peer reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. In case of contradictory results a third reviewer will be asked to review the respective paper. The length of time of the whole review process in the JASS is carefully monitored. The approximate time between manuscript submission and the editorial final decision is usually less than six months. The review process in JASS focuses mainly on the principles:
- Originality of results
- Value of the theoretical as well as empirical parts of the article
- Adequateness of the structure of the article
- Relevance of the topic for current scientific discourse
- Relevance and possible utilization of the results in organizational practices.


Rights Granted

Delivery of contribution and publication

Rights retained by author