Arie Sujito, Yanu Prasetyo*,Sugeng Bahagijo, Bona Tua &Denisa Kawuryan
Arie Sujito
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Email:
* Yanu Prasetyo
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Indonesia. Email:
Sugeng Bahagijo
International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development, Indoneisa. Email:
Bona Tua
International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development, Indonesia. Email:
Denisa Kawuryan
International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development, Indonesia. Email:
In the last twenty years after the political reform, health services in Indonesia have still been heavily reliant on the citizens’ purchasing power. As a result, the health system and citizens’ health have become unprepared in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the system is stuttering and underfunded. This study examines how the economic and social costs of the COVID-19 pandemic are being shifted from the Indonesian government to the affected Indonesian citizens. This article provides a current review of the handling of COVID-19and emphasizes the importance of health reform in Indonesia. In discussing these risk shifts, our study raises concerns about the privatization of risk in the wake of pandemics. In this study, data and information were prepared and obtained from various sources, namely, literature review, mass media analysis, and documents’ analysis focusing on risk privatization, health sociology, and health politics in Indonesia.
Key word: COVID-19; Health Reform; Indonesia; Risk Privatization; Social Restrictions