Relationship Quality Factors on Passenger Loyalty of the Airline Industry in Johor, Malaysia

Lee Peng Kit

Lee Peng Kit
Faculty of Business, Raffles University (RU)
Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Email:


This research is aimed to find the dimensions of relationship quality (customer satisfaction, commitment, trust and perceived quality) that can affect passenger loyalty in airline industry in Johor, Malaysia. It would contribute to airlines marketers and the management teams, in order to develop better future strategies for the enhancement and improvement of passenger loyalty in airlines industry. The quantitative research design and convenience sampling have been used to select target respondents, airline passenger in Johor, Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was carried out where 100 sets of self- administered survey questionnaires have been distributed and out of the total, 90 sets are qualified. The hypotheses and linear relationship between variables have been tested and the data collection was analysed using PSPP and Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS version 3. The results of this research found that customer commitment, trust and perceived quality are all positively and significantly influence on passenger loyalty in airline industry in Johor, Malaysia. However, customer satisfaction was found to have insignificant relationship with passenger loyalty in airline industry.


Key word:  Relationship Quality Factors, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Commitment, Customer Trust, Customer Perceived Quality, Passenger Loyalty, Airline Industry

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