Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention Among Employees of a Retail Company in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Tan Xin Lin

Tan Xin Lin
Faculty of Business, Raffles University
Johor Bahru, Malaysia.


The main objective of this study is to investigate the organizational commitment and turnover intention among employees who work in AEON CO. (M) BHD, Malaysia. This research study of organizational commitment and employee’s turnover intention selected AEON CO. (M) BHD in Johor Bahru as the target respondents. The employee’s performance and willingness to continue work in the organization will be influence by organizational commitment that focus on the engagement with employees. Therefore, it is critical to analyse the four dimensions that tend to affect employee’s turnover intention which is affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment in AEON CO. (M) BHD. The data for this research study were collected from a sample of 60 respondents who work in AEON CO. (M) BHD in Johor Bahru through convenience sampling method. Moreover, the 5-point Likert scale was used in the questionnaire via Google Forms. The collected data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and SmartPLS software. Based on the findings, normative commitment has strong significant impact on employee’s turnover intention in AEON CO. (M) BHD in Johor Bahru, whereases affective commitment and continuance commitment has no significant relationship on employee’s turnover intention. The result of the study provide organization significance and a better understanding on employee’s turnover affected by organizational commitment in retail industry.


Keyword: Organizational Commitment, Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, Normative Commitment, Turnover Intention

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