Online Repurchase in Malaysia

Chiam Chooi Chea*, Lim Yee Wui, Joshua Tan Juat Huan and Samantha Andy William Nai

* Chiam Chooi Chea

Faculty of Business and Management, Open University Malaysia
Selangor, Malaysia.



* Lim Yee Wui

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman


* Joshua Tan Juat Huan

Heriot-Watt University Malaysia


* Samantha Andy William Nai

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman



Online retailing has been on an upward trend over the years and it has become significant platform for
consumers to obtain the needed products and services. This trend is even more obvious due to the
COVID-19 pandemic where consumers were bounded at home. Nevertheless, the security issues
pertaining to online retailing has bene on the rise as well. Both of these issues are on the same scale.
Hence, there is a need to study the repurchase intention with issues that are of concern to buyers. This
study aims to study the factors that affect the online repurchasing intention by consumers in Malaysia.
A total of 298 respondents was collected for this study that are consumers who have online purchasing
experience. This study would be able to provide insights to various stakeholders, buyers, policy maker
on the rising concerns on online retailing. Other than that, this study would be able to provide guidelines
to online traders, both the buyers and sellers on the need and importance to operate the online business
ethically and professionally, create a healthy business environment. This is because consumers would
have more confidence when online retailers have the credibility and reliability to their belt, with higher
number of online transactions ultimately.


Keyword: Ethics, online retailing, repurchase intention (RI)

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