Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Johor Bahru Fast Food Industry

Siah Li Chian

Siah Li Chian

Faculty of Business, Raffles University (RU) Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

E-mail: siah.lichian@raffles.university


The main objective of this study is to investigate the factors influencing customer satisfaction in Johor Bahru fast food industry. This research selected the Johor Bahru fast food restaurant as the target industry to investigate and a few variables was chosen which are price, service quality, food quality, physical environment and analyzed the customer satisfaction of Johor Bahru fast food industry. Customer satisfaction can be defined as the feelings of happiness, relief, pleasure, delight, and acceptance. Hence, it is important to analyze how the four dimensions tend to influence the customer satisfaction in fast food industry. The fast food industry is being adapted to Malaysian food requirements and is a growing phenomenon in Malaysia, and it is significant for fast food restaurants’ owner to clearly understand which dimensions enable to stand out among other competitors and increase customer satisfaction. Data for this study were collected from a sample of 60 respondents who has visited the fast food restaurant in Johor Bahru and had the dining experience in fast food restaurant. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.0 and Partial Least Squares (PLS- SEM) with SmartPLS version 3. The findings revealed that two dimensions which are service quality and physical environment positively influence customer satisfaction whereas, two dimensions which are price and food quality do not have a significant impact. As a result, it is suggested for fast food restaurants’ owner to appropriate apply relevant specific tactics to enhance those components as well as customer satisfaction.


Key word: Price, Service Quality, Food Quality, Physical Environment, Customer Satisfaction, Fast Food Industry

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