All the manuscripts published should be plagiarism free. Authors have to ensure that all the manuscripts submitted to JASS should not have been published, in review or in publication process elsewhere. All the work published in JASS is in English. Authors must ensure that all accepted manuscript must be professionally proofread before the submission of the manuscript final version. Manuscript should be typed in MS Word not using any other format. References should be according to APA manual 6th edition.
All manuscript to be submitted to the following email : layout
Manuscript should be submitted as per the format given by the JASS.
There should be a separate title page/covering letter containing title of your work, name of author/s, their affiliation/s, contact numbers and email addresses.
Rest manuscript should be complete formatted as per the instruction given for submission. For formatting guidelines, use the model paper attached.
All the manuscripts submitted to the journal should not exceed word limits (10,000 words / 5 to 15 pages), inclusive of all the tables, figures, references, and appendices.
Use the template at the following link: JASS TEMPLATE